Personalized Auto
Closed. Opens Monday at 9:30 AM

Quality used cars in Shawnee, KS serving Merriam, Kansas City and beyond

Let us show you how easy it is to find your next vehicle

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Curious about your car's trade-in value? Discover it in a few easy steps and get the most out of your trade-in.

Save time at the dealership by getting pre-qualified for credit online. Spend less time waiting and more time driving your new car.

Personalized Auto: Where the Best Deals Happen. Serving serving Merriam, Kansas City, Overland Park, Mission, and Shawnee, KS

At Personalized Auto, we've made it our mission to provide exceptional vehicles at irresistible prices. Every car in our selection undergoes a rigorous inspection and comprehensive reconditioning before it's showcased on our lot.

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